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Vance Holiday

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Vance Holiday Empty Vance Holiday

Post by Vance Fri May 22, 2020 1:30 pm

Quincy  Artificer

Vance Holiday SVcCI8N


Name: Vance Holiday
Apparent Age: 23
Actual Age: 23

Eye Color: Dark Brown
Height: 6' 1"
Weight: 167
Hair Color and Style: Blonde, spiked
Clothing and Accessories: Most of the time Vance is in a suit for his day job.  He wears a bracelet with his Quincy Mariner's cross and carries his weapons in a case.  He also has a gunbelt for specialized Ginto
Generalized Appearance: Vance looks like a lanky demon.  Though his lack of posture and love of button up yet over sized clothing hides a lot of his musculature structure. He has blonde spiked hair and tends to keep some of the further tips iced.  This is more to protest the overall required outfits for his job.  His smirk is more declarative of his personality, often times making him look slightly creepy and obnoxious.  He has a very defined jaw structure and his body is covered in a multitude of scars.
Pressure Analysis: Vance's Reiatsu feels like that moment before the clock strikes high noon and two people blast each other.

Overall Personality: Vance is quite most of the time, reserving to pass judgment on people and laugh to himself out loud in the background.  As such he rarely speaks his mind and just about everything he says comes out as sarcastic and snarky.   He also has a tendency to be observatory and simply stay back when necessary.  Vance likes music, he finds listening to it is better than listening to people most of the time because music is simply music.  People are all manipulative sociopaths when given the choice.  Vance enjoys relaxing and taking notes.  Though this is more out of necessity for himself than anything else.  He is kind of meticulous and actually likes being that way. Vance likes conversations that get to the point.  He doesn’t enjoy listening to people who like to hear themselves talk.  He’s more inclined to like someone that mugged him if they just said so rather than dancing around it for twenty minutes.

Vance dislikes listening to people who like to hear themselves speak.  It’s a complete annoyance to him and he tends to ignore anything after the fourth paragraph of stuff he didn’t need or want to know.  Vance hates hypocrisy.  Which does make him the world's biggest hypocrite and he’s okay with this.  If there’s a rule, it should be followed.  If there’s no need for the rule, get rid of it.  Vance dislikes bad food and people who cook that can’t cook.  There’s a reason, Vance is bad at cooking, so he doesn’t do it.  He lets people who are good at something do it, otherwise he finds it offensive to the food.  Though food isn’t the only thing he adheres to this thought pattern.

Positive Traits: Observatory, Inventive, Meticulous
Negative Traits: Sarcastic, Hypocritical, Mean as a Rattler

Loyalties: None

Goals: Create a Lantern Ring for Quincy who suffer from Soul Distribution

Habits: Vance acts like an old world gunslinger.  He solves his problems with intimidation and overawe mixed with manipulation and intelligent decision making.

Overarching History
Vance Holiday is a member of both the Holiday and Hickok lines.  Which was interesting because he grew up a little less imposing on the law dog side of the family from the rest of it.  Vance’s childhood was actually relatively normal aside from Quincy training.  Which, unlike his Adopted Sister, he wasn’t exceptionally good at.  He couldn't correctly absorb Reishi which made him the dark horse in his family line.  Most had called some members of the Holiday line gunslingers and shootists, but they had been training this way for years.

Vance attended elementary school and high school doing something very specific.  He would intentionally keep himself at the higher side of the pack, but never noticeable.  He got mostly high Bs for grades simply so that his parents could ask him to do better, but in reality he was keeping himself out of the spotlight.  He had always been at that, preferring to be less noticeable than to potentially end up on top and be forced to make a lot of speeches that he had no idea on.  Vance graduated in the top fifty of his four hundred student class from high school and attended college for languages and criminal psychology, with a minor in history.

Following college graduation, Vance was hired out of Quantico by Interpol for their special investigations department.  Which was known for investigating metropolitan areas that sustained high amounts of property and violence by things that could not be explained.

Soul-Distribution Quincy
Release 1:

Quincy Cross: Vance uses a Mariner's Cross
Vance Holiday HLCAluJVance Holiday ByAxTdW
Spirit Weapon: Vance uses a Zweihander that requires him to douse the blade with reishi from Ginto Tubes.
Vance Holiday F8EA9f8
Heilig Bogun: Vance has a revolver that uses Ginto Tubes as Shots as he cannot gather reishi correctly.
Vance Holiday NVE9I6w

Reiatsu: 40
Power: 10
Endurance: 10
Speed: 10
Durability: 10

XP Remaining:80

Gear Slots//Ginto: Apprentice
Quincy Evolution: Journeyman
Artificing(Crafting): Journeyman
Hirenkyaku: None
Heilig Pfiel: Basic
Credit to Marc Rene, my artist and bff! (He does commissions)

Last edited by Vance on Wed Jul 29, 2020 8:07 pm; edited 11 times in total

Posts : 71
Join date : 2020-05-22

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Vance Holiday Empty Re: Vance Holiday

Post by Vance Fri May 22, 2020 4:34 pm

For items

Last edited by Vance on Mon Jun 22, 2020 8:57 pm; edited 1 time in total

Posts : 71
Join date : 2020-05-22

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Vance Holiday Empty Re: Vance Holiday

Post by Meridith Sat May 23, 2020 7:01 pm

The following post detailing skills has no explicit approval (nor disapproval) but is fine to detail expectations for threading partners!

Otherwise, looks good!


Posts : 207
Join date : 2020-05-21

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Vance Holiday Empty Re: Vance Holiday

Post by Vance Mon Jun 22, 2020 9:02 pm

-210 Journeyman Evo
-120 Apprentice Gear

Posts : 71
Join date : 2020-05-22

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Vance Holiday Empty Re: Vance Holiday

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