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Holiday Pack [Vance]

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Holiday Pack [Vance] Empty Holiday Pack [Vance]

Post by Rubedo Lux Regis Sun Jul 12, 2020 1:04 am

Grey clouds overshadowed Karakura town as the coming rain during the evening. A young man in simple Tee and denim jeans stepped into a tea and coffee shop, he had received word from a member of the Holiday family to check out a website on Artificing. Now here he was looking for a man named Vance who frequented this store that had spiky yellow hair and worked on his laptop.

There was one problem today: there were too many people in the line craving coffee.

Rubedo let out an exhale while ruffling up his hair in agitation before maneuvering his way through the crowd and to the tables with due haste. He seemed to pick a bad time or just was having bad luck in meeting someone in person. He scanned the area thoroughly and swore he saw him but the moment he neared it seemed to be someone younger and playing on a PSP.

Did I come at the wrong one?” Rubedo thought. Shaking his head, he moved on his hunt through the quaint shop, it wasn’t that big, and finally took a seat on an iron-wrought chair to collect his bearings. The past few days were exhausting, first the run-in with a bunch of crows then being patched up by another of his kind, Karakura was a crazy place. The only reason why they were in Japan in the first place was that they were chasing around a bratty princess whose family had hired him and Ignatius as bodyguards. Now they were low on supplies and needed to restock thus this Vance person seemed, from what this lass had implored, the best to make items.

He checked his watch, it was nearing five PM, then fiddled with his blue topaz ring impatiently. After a moment of clarity, Rubedo found this blonde sitting at a table ahead of him - he must have been there the whole time or he just wasn’t paying attention through his rugged state. Whichever, he stood up and approached Vance then sat down on the chair in front of him.

“You must be Vance, I take it?” Rubedo asked, leaning back in his chair with tired-looking steel eyes focused on the man before him. “I’m looking to purchase from you.” getting right to the point.
Rubedo Lux Regis
Rubedo Lux Regis

Posts : 42
Join date : 2020-05-26

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Holiday Pack [Vance] Empty Re: Holiday Pack [Vance]

Post by Vance Sun Jul 12, 2020 11:59 am

Vance was typing on his laptop when the other man showed up. Very few people knew about Vance that didn't know his family, which meant that this person was Quincy, and most likely knew his sister. Who, to be fair was a lot better at the whole Quincy thing than him. Though she was smart and used a full set of Vance specials! Vance had never seen the man before, and he had no way to sense him so unlike other Quincy, Vance did what Vance did.

At the mention of purchases, Vance changed from his usual apathetic mad scientist straight into businessman. This Quincy was now completely removed from Vance's collateral list in less than a second. Vance only really cared about his customers and his family when they weren't pointing out how bad he was at the rest of the Quincy stuff. His power was quiet which was even better so with the gentleman sitting across from him Vance simply removed some of the more questionable windows from his computer and locked the main user to bring up some of the Laden Haunt, Sanrei, gear, and advanced items he had made before along with his list of usual Quincy tools.

The list was extensive. From single use Reishi Flashbangs, to Ginto ranging in 4 diferent styles with varying capacity. From Generic Laden Haunt and Sanrei to some extremely advanced versions designed for specific types of Heilg Bogun to firearms that shot specialized Reishi shells and explosives. Seele of all kinds, specialized portal trackers, applications to modify phones. There was even a giant FO sniper rifle deemed "Lancelot" that was roughly as long as Vance was tall. From spear add ons for Seele to specialized Halos, Vance was an mad scientist, but at it's core his reasoning was simple, he was an Armorer. There was a section labeled VIP on the website as well, but it required a login of some kind.

"What can I get you? Or did you need something special? I also have a package where I send tubes and seele once a month if needed. I am Vance Holiday, and my Armory is at your service!" It would become pretty obvious that Vance didn't care who he was, he cared more about the fact he was a customer than anything.

Ginto (5) :: Extra Shots (3) :: Pill (2) :: Phone (1) :: Laptop (2) :: SeeleX1 (2) :: Med (5)

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Join date : 2020-05-22

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Holiday Pack [Vance] Empty Re: Holiday Pack [Vance]

Post by Rubedo Lux Regis Tue Jul 14, 2020 5:31 pm

Rubedo had an internal sigh of relief. For a fearful moment he thought he ran into the wrong person again, his senses were dull in a pack of people around and he never saw this man before though his sister seemed quite enthused about his quality of tools and knew a little about the Holiday family. He was in luck to meet a Quincy Artificial, now he had to see the wears himself and how well they worked in person.

Vance had quite the list of Quincy gear he almost wanted to purchase each one of them though Ignatius would be quite upset if he learned of him splurging out. The Sanrei glove caught Rubedo’s curiosity, if he had that it would surely help him with dealing with the Hollow that infested Japan. The red-haired Quincy rubbed his chin as he looked through the many items, it was a tough decision and he could probably buy a few ginto or this portal tracker.

“Fine wears you have here. The names Rubedo, and I would like to buy these,” he said, pointing at the items in question. The list went: two seeles, four ginto, and lastly, he tapped at the “Lancelot” sniper. “How much for that last one? And can you make a modified version of this gun?” He pulled out some small blueprints of a Makarov pistol from his pocket and laid them across the table for Vance to look through. It would be something easy to make for someone like him, the modification noted reishi bullets and a casing that it couldn’t easily break under a spiritual weight such as a Hollow getting a hold of it and the misfortune of crushing it.
Rubedo Lux Regis
Rubedo Lux Regis

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Join date : 2020-05-26

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Holiday Pack [Vance] Empty Re: Holiday Pack [Vance]

Post by Vance Tue Jul 14, 2020 8:48 pm

Vance reached into his bag and pulled out his Ginto and handed four of them over along with one Seele, his Seele were a bit different. The moment he put the Seele down it lost the effect of the Mariner's Cross that symbolized the Holiday family. All the Vance customs would swap to the cross of the Quincy in question once they took possession of it. He noted that he needed another Seele for Rubedo, and pulled out a card with the purchasing website on it.

Then he looked at the plans before snapping a picture with his phone. A Mauser was pretty easy to make. He pulled out his own revolver and placed it on the table along with a set of shells for it. "Larger or smaller caliber than a normal Mauser?" He asked politely before pulling the actual Lancelot up. It was a modified version of a .50. Though it used ginto shaped cartridges and specialized Seele. "Do you have the hand of the person in question? I need it for the thumb-hole stock measurements. Unless you just want me to use a normal stock." Vance stated before writing some notes on his laptop. "I warn that it kicks like a mule, but you can choose to use explosive, impact, or AP rounds. I make specialized ginto for all three and can show the user how to make them."

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Holiday Pack [Vance] Empty Re: Holiday Pack [Vance]

Post by Rubedo Lux Regis Mon Jul 20, 2020 12:05 pm

Rubedo took the items and looked over the revolver once it had been placed down then compared what sort of caliber would be best for accuracy he was used to. “Smaller caliber,” he said not long after a bit of thinking and took the card. When Vance asked for socket size, the Quincy raised his hand. “If you want my measurements.” he didn’t know offhand to give numbers and grip was important.

“I would go for some AP rounds, and need something to cut through things like tough hide,” Rubedo said and nodded. “If you can show me how to make them, all the better.”

He pulled out his phone to take a look at the site to purchase and stored the seele and ginto into his pockets. He would have to test the items out on a later date and if Vance’s wares were good as his sister said, he would buy the monthly package and bookmark the site to show Iggy.

“How are your sanrei gloves and have you tested them out yourself? Or any other employee?” The red-head asked, debating if he should deepen his hand in purchasing more.
Rubedo Lux Regis
Rubedo Lux Regis

Posts : 42
Join date : 2020-05-26

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Holiday Pack [Vance] Empty Re: Holiday Pack [Vance]

Post by Vance Wed Jul 29, 2020 10:58 pm

Vance sighed at the question. He thought about how to answer it because it was odd. "Two italians, eight americans one irish two brits and my entire family use my Laden Hants. I can't test them on myself but I can use the Spiritual Weapon and the readings of whoever is going to use it to tailor them to specific wavelengths so they resonate higher with basic Schrift. If I knew the Schrift I can make them entirely custom tailored to match. I don't wear one cause I can't get it to bond. Sad part about sucking at the job. My sister's root schrift is enhanced Tension to her reishi, her original Sanrei just let her use it as like razor wire, the Hant I made allows her schrift to generate large fields of spider webs or worse." Vance stated. Which was true, he couldn't wear a Sanrei or a Hant so no reason to lie about it.

He pulled out a small piece of paper to write down the note on AP rounds, and decided if the other gentleman had time he would teach him promptly, Vance had other specialized Ginto but he hadn't filled them.

"I can get her on a plane out here if you need proof." Vance stated to Rubedo as he shifted before going into his bag for a small measuring tape which he used to measure just about every dimension on Rubedo's hands and fingers. "Shield bracelets or Custom Seele?" He added.

Posts : 71
Join date : 2020-05-22

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Holiday Pack [Vance] Empty Re: Holiday Pack [Vance]

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